Vmeet Pro News

Virtual Musrenbang Program, a Technology Based Innovation by West Java Province, Which is Oriented on Productivity and Efficiency Improvement


On 12nd April 2016, located in West Java Bappeda office, the West Java Governor, Ahmad Heryawan, opened the virtual musrenbang program. It is an official meeting, over video conference, between West Java province and kabupaten/kota (districts/cities) of West Java, exploring the budget revision of 2016. West Java province became the first province in Indonesia who run the meeting of budget revision program over video conference. It run for 4.5 hours and attended by Governor and all head of districts/cities in West Java. They proposed some infrastructures that may need budget support from province.

According to Governor, as long as the meeting did not need the written approval, we should use video conference to communicate with others, faster and easier. Tight activities of each head of regional districts/cities often became a problem to run the face to face meeting. It would be solved by video conference meeting model, as It improved time & cost efficiency, effectiveness of work, and people productivity, especially for people from certain places which are far away from the meeting location.


Program teleconference sendiri bukan merupakan barang baru di Indonesia. Namun program teleconference yang yang mengandalkan koneksi internet publik dengan bandwidth relatif rendah dan perangkat yang relatif sederhana, menjadi hal yang sangat penting untuk mensukseskan kegiatan2 pertemuan Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat di masa mendatang. Virtual Musrenbang akan menjadi program rutin tahunan dan sejumlah Dinas/SKPD sudah mulai mencanangkan program serupa untuk mendukung komunikasi dan koordinasi yang efektif dengan para Dinas yang berada di Kabupaten dan Kotamadya. Diskusi dan sosialisasi program tertentu bisa dilakukan secara cepat dan pengambilan keputusan bisa segera dilakukan untuk menindaklanjuti program2 yang sedang berjalan.

Gunawan Zuardi, Country Manager, Softfoundry International Pte Ltd

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